The Bighorn Basin Resource Management Plan (RMP) revision project identifies land disposal and acquisition parcels by zone. Table M-1 defines these zones.

Table M.1. Land Tenure Zone Descriptions

Land Tenure Zone1


1 – Retention

Not available for disposal.

Example: River parcels having high recreation use.

1A – Retention/acquisition

Not available for disposal. An area of interest to acquire non-federal land.

Example: Inholdings within a special management area.

1B – Retention/acquisition/special disposal

Not available for disposal except if land with better resource values could be obtained. Disposal would likely be by exchange. Non-federal lands would be acquired if they produced for the public interest by providing access to public lands, protecting wildlife and fisheries, or protecting important cultural resource values.


Not available for disposal except if land with better resource values could be obtained (in Zones 1A or 1B). Disposal would be by exchange. Do not acquire non-federal lands within Zone 1C.

2 – Disposal

Available for disposal. Could include community expansion.

Example: Sale of land having an existing gas processing plant.

2A – Disposal for community expansion2

Available for disposal to meet local community needs. A FLPMA sale to a local government or private party.

Example: Airport Grant to a local government.

2B – Disposal for agricultural expansion/property boundary adjustment2

Available for disposal related to agriculture needs and/or to adjust property boundaries.

Example: Conduct a small land sale to resolve a historical encroachment involving occupancy/agricultural trespass.

Zone W – Disposal for the Westside Irrigation Project

Pursuant to an act of Congress, convey all right, title, and interest (excluding mineral interest) to the Westside Irrigation District after completion of an environmental analysis under NEPA. Lands within the boundary of Zone W which are not conveyed under the final decision for this transfer would be retained in federal ownership and would not be available for other disposal actions. (Public Law 106-485 [November 9, 2000; 114 Stat. 2199])

1The entire Planning Area is open to applications for conveyances to qualified applicants under the Recreation and Public Purpose Act or Federal Public Airport Act.

2Zones 2A and 2B can apply to the same area.

FLPMAFederal Land Policy and Management Act

NEPA National Environmental Policy Act