I.1.1. 1.1 Lease Notice 1

Under Regulation 43 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 3101.1 2 and terms of the lease (Bureau of Land Management [BLM] Form 3100 11), the authorized officer may require reasonable measures to minimize adverse impacts to other resource values, land uses, and users not addressed in lease stipulations at the time operations are proposed. Such reasonable measures may include, but are not limited to, modification of siting or design of facilities, timing of operations, and specification of interim and final reclamation measures, which may require relocating proposed operations up to 200 meters, but not off the leasehold, and prohibiting surface-disturbing activities for up to 60 days.

The lands within this lease may include areas not specifically addressed by lease stipulations that may contain special values, may be needed for special purposes, or may require special attention to prevent damage to surface and/or other resources. Possible special areas are identified below. Any surface use or occupancy within such special areas will be strictly controlled or, if absolutely necessary, prohibited. Appropriate modifications to imposed restrictions will be made for the maintenance and operation of producing wells.

  1. Slopes in excess of 25 percent.

  2. Within 500 feet of surface water and/or riparian areas.

  3. Construction with frozen material or during periods when the soil material is saturated or when watershed damage is likely to occur.

  4. Within 500 feet of Interstate highways and 200 feet of other existing rights-of-way (i.e., United States and State highways, roads, railroads, pipelines, powerlines).

  5. Within ¼ mile of occupied dwellings.

  6. Material sites.


The intent of this notice is to inform interested parties (potential lessees, permittees, operators) that when one or more of the above conditions exist, surface-disturbing activities will be prohibited unless or until the permittee or the designated representative and the surface management agency arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts. This negotiation will occur prior to development and become a condition for approval when authorizing the action. Specific threshold criteria (e.g., 500 feet from water) have been established based upon the best information available. However, geographical areas and time periods of concern must be delineated at the field level (i.e., “surface water and/or riparian areas” may include both intermittent and ephemeral water sources or may be limited to perennial surface water). The referenced oil and gas leases on these lands are hereby made subject to the stipulation that the exploration or drilling activities will not interfere materially with the use of the area as a materials site/free use permit. At the time operations on the above lands are commenced, notification will be made to the appropriate agency. The name of the appropriate agency may be obtained from the proper BLM Field Office.