H.3.2. 3.2 Wildlife Mitigation Guideline

  1. To protect important big game winter habitat, activities or surface use will not be allowed from November 15 to April 30 within certain areas encompassed by the authorization. The same criteria apply to defined big game birthing areas from May 1 to June 30.

    Application of this limitation to operation and maintenance of a developed project must be based on environmental analysis of the operational or production aspects.

    Exception, waiver, or modification of this limitation in any year may be approved in writing, including documented supporting analysis, by the authorized officer.

  2. To protect important raptor and/or sage and sharp-tailed grouse nesting habitat, activities or surface use will not be allowed from February 1 to July 31 within certain areas encompassed by the authorization. The same criteria apply to defined raptor and game bird winter concentration areas from November 15 to April 30.

    Application of this limitation to operation and maintenance of a developed project must be based on environmental analysis of the operational or production aspects.

    Exception, waiver, or modification of this limitation in any year may be approved in writing, including documented supporting analysis, by the authorized officer.

  3. No activities or surface use will be allowed on that portion of the authorization area identified within (legal description) for the purpose of protecting (e.g., sage/sharp-tailed grouse breeding grounds, and/or other species/activities) habitat.

    Exception, waiver, or modification of this limitation in any year may be approved in writing, including documented supporting analysis, by the authorized officer.

  4. Portions of the authorized use area legally described as (legal description), are known or suspected to be essential habitat for (name) which is a threatened or endangered species. Prior to conducting any onsite activities, the lessee/permittee will be required to conduct inventories or studies in accordance with BLM and United States Fish and Wildlife Service guidelines to verify the presence or absence of this species. In the event that (name) occurrence is identified, the lessee/permittee will be required to modify operational plans to include the protection requirements of this species and its habitat (e.g., seasonal use restrictions, occupancy limitations, facility design modifications).


The Wildlife Mitigation Guideline is intended to provide two basic types of protection: seasonal restriction and prohibition of activities or surface use (2c). Item 2d is specific to situations involving threatened or endangered species. Legal descriptions will ultimately be required and should be measurable and legally definable. There are no minimum subdivision requirements at this time. The area delineated can and should be defined as necessary, based upon current biological data, prior to the time of processing an application and issuing the use authorization. The legal description must eventually become a part of the condition for approval of the permit, plan of development, and/or other use authorization.

The seasonal restriction section identifies three example groups of species and delineates three similar timeframe restrictions. The big game species including elk, moose, deer, pronghorn, and bighorn sheep, all require protection of crucial winter range between November 15 and April 30. Elk and bighorn sheep also require protection from disturbance from May 1 to June 30, when they typically occupy distinct calving and lambing areas. Raptors include eagles, accipiters, falcons (peregrine, prairie, and merlin), buteos (ferruginous and Swainson’s hawks), osprey, and burrowing owls. The raptors and sage and sharp-tailed grouse require nesting protection between February 1 and July 31. The same birds often require protection from disturbance from November 15 through April 30 while they occupy winter concentration areas.

Item 2c, the prohibition of activity or surface use, is intended for protection of specific wildlife habitat areas or values within the use area that cannot be protected by using seasonal restrictions. These areas or values must be factors that limit life-cycle activities (e.g., sage-grouse strutting grounds, known threatened and endangered species habitat).

Exception, waiver, or modification of requirements developed from this guideline must be based upon environmental analysis of proposals (e.g., activity plans, plans of development, plans of operation, applications for permit to drill) and, if necessary, must allow for other mitigation to be applied on a site-specific basis.