American society has undergone substantial changes in the last 100 years. Instant messaging, Twitter, YouTube, cable news networks — social media and the World Wide Web are here to stay. The days of typewriters and carbon paper (or pen and ink) have come and gone. With these changes has come the need for the BLM’s communications capability to grow and expand, change and adapt.
Goal 1: Partner with stakeholders and others to protect and manage wild horses and burros and tell the story of America’s wild horses and burros.
Objective 1: Emphasize partnerships to protect and manage wild horses and burros.
Increase support to existing partners.
Expand the partnership base to increase the BLM’s capacity to manage wild horses and burros.
Objective 2: Emphasize partnerships to tell the story of America’s wild horses and burros.
Engage willing partners through various forums and utilize a wide range of media tools/venue to tell the story of America’s wild horses and burros.
Host range tours in HMAs throughout the West in partnership with National Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Awareness.
Partner with celebrity spokesperson(s).
Objective 3: Enhance Congress’ understanding of America’s wild horses and burros.
Invite members of Congress and/or key staff to visit long-term holding pastures, tour HMAs in the West, attend gathers or adoption events, or other events, such as Extreme Mustang Makeover events, etc.
Goal 2: Increase the Wild Horse and Burro Program’s transparency; improve communications and visibility.
Objective 1: Improve the Wild Horse and Burro Program’s website.
Organize the website in a manner that makes information easily accessible.
Keep the website current and up to date.
Objective 2: Increase the availability of Wild Horse and Burro Program information.
Keep the Wild Horse and Burro Program System (WHBPS) data current to facilitate timely and accurate generation of standardized reports for gathers, adoptions, sales, and facilities.
Post standardized reports on the website.
Update information on a regular basis.