The Pryor Mountain, Little Bookcliffs and Kiger Mountain wild horses are just a few of the herds that already hold a special place in our hearts. By highlighting treasured herds with special designations, the BLM envisions opportunities for ecotourism and partnerships and volunteers dedicated to protecting and managing all of the wild horses and burros that call these areas home.
| The Marietta Burro Range near Hawthorne, Nevada is the nation’s first burro range. It was designated in 1991. |
Goal 1: Designate selected wild horses and burros as treasured herds through the BLM land use planning process.
Objective 1: Develop planning criteria through an open and transparent public process; update the BLM’s Land Use Planning Handbook to address administrative designations of “treasured herds.”
Update the Land Use Planning Handbook within one year.
Define what a treasured herd is and is not.
Ensure planning direction is specific enough to minimize the need for subsequent management plans.
Invite the public to nominate potential treasured herds.
Consider local conditions and/or opportunities.
Define what ecotourism will and won’t be within a designated area.
Objective 2: Identify herds where there is community support for administrative designations.
Utilize an open and transparent process to administratively designate treasured herds.
Objective 3: Gain support for the BLM-administered designations through early and close coordination with Tribes, other Federal agencies, state and local governments, stakeholders and the general public.
Conduct government-to-government consultation with Tribes; seek support and enter into agreements to actively manage and support the treasured herd.
Coordinate with other federal agencies, state and local agencies; seek support and enter into agreements to actively manage and support the treasured herd.
Objective 4: For each treasured herd proposed, determine the initial and estimated herd size that will maintain a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple-use relationship for the area.
Determine the actual herd size and makeup of the treasured herd.
Develop guidelines and criteria for adjusting herd size.
Develop guidelines and criteria for adjusting herd makeup including sex ratios, color, characteristics, breeding or non-breeding.
Determine compatible uses. If other uses are not compatible, identify mitigation for both permitted and non-permitted activities.
Goal 2: Manage for healthy animals and healthy public lands.
Objective 1: Through management of treasured herds, showcase healthy animals and healthy public lands.
Implement management strategies for treasured herds that will ensure the health of the animals and the land, over the long-term.
Engage stakeholders and the general public through an open and transparent process to develop and implement a long-term management strategy.
Objective 2: Co-manage treasured herds with Tribes and/or other agencies or partners through long-term agreements.
The first designations would be entirely on public lands while BLM explores opportunities to develop agreements with Tribes or other agencies.
Subsequent designations could potentially incorporate non-public lands if agreements with Tribes or other agencies can be developed.
Goal 3: Provide opportunities for ecotourism and value-added opportunities for local economies while maintaining the health of all wild horses and burros and the public lands.
Objective: Develop public recognition of each treasured herd and increase the adoption demand for all animals, through communication, visibility, marketing, education, interpretation, and outreach. Encourage involvement by friends groups and the public by seeking volunteer assistance in activities such as monitoring, building projects and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure. Establish public-private partnerships dedicated to adoption and improved management of the treasured herd and their habitat.
Develop external partners or “Friends of the Treasured Herd.”
Develop support through increased communication, visibility, marketing, education, interpretation, and outreach.
Develop and maintain regional or national support groups to provide more stability for the overall Wild Horse and Burro Program.
Develop and maintain local support groups to focus their volunteering efforts on specific designated areas.
Develop ecotourism opportunities with local communities and counties, while ensuring added-value to their economies.
Develop consistent branding, message, etc.
Develop data bases with appropriate designations like Monuments or National Conservation Areas that can be used as good examples of success in ecotourism and value added opportunities to local economies.
When an opportunity arises, co-manage with state agencies and local governments.
Develop agreements with state agencies and local governments in management of treasured herds. Examples include working with state or county parks and recreation departments to gain their participation in management of facilities.
Goal 4: Provide a fee generation system to offset growing costs to the overall program.
Objectives: Seek the authority necessary to dedicate any revenue generated to the specific treasured herd. Marketing strategy should allow for “virtual” adoption of treasured herd animals, either specifically or generally. Animals in treasured herds could be virtually adopted through annual donated funds. The funding generated could be used to offset expenses for herd management, and assist in keeping the animals on the range as compared to off the range in private property preserves.
Develop external partners or “Friends of the Treasured Herd” to include fund raising mechanisms and ensure generated funds remain within the area.
Promote filming opportunities (e.g., motion picture settings, PBS) to document or use as a setting and ensure generated funds stay within the area.
Develop fee generation capabilities (i.e., campground, entry fee, trail head parking, and kiosks).
Utilize fee and/or donation boxes. Donation boxes would allow the general public to participate after their personal experience.