5.1.1. Questions...Sustainable Herds

  1. How satisfied are you that this element will lead to a successful strategy?

To respond to the questions to the left, please highlight the question and find the Click Here to Submit Comments link at the top of the form. On the Comment Wizard click on Copy Selected Content button. Type your comment in the Comment Box and click Add Comment.

Repeat this process for each question to the left.

There are more questions in the subsequent sections (Section 5.2.1, “Questions…Preserves”, Section 5.3.1, “Questions…Treasured Herds”, Section 5.4.1, “Questions…Place Excess Animals into Private Care”, Section 5.5.1, “Questions…Communications”, Section 5.6.1, “Questions…Animal Welfare” and Section 5.7.1, “Questions… Science and Research”).

If you are done with you commenting please go to Section 5.8, “Submitting Your Answers” for instructions on completing the Comment Submission process.

  1. What suggestions do you have to improve this element of the strategy?

  1. Are you or your organization willing to become a partner with the BLM to assist with implementing some or all of these elements? If so, please provide your contact information and indicate how you are willing to assist.