Chapter 5. Draft Goals, Objectives and Possible Management Actions

The overall goals for the strategy the BLM will develop are to ensure high-quality habitat for wild horses and burros on Western rangelands, good care and treatment of unadopted wild horses and burros, and a well-run and cost-effective Wild Horse and Burro Program for American taxpayers. By implementing effective strategies to control population growth and reduce the number of unadopted wild horses in short-term corrals or long-term pastures, the BLM expects to decrease the costs to the American taxpayer for the animals care, and conserve, protect, and manage these iconic animals in the West for future generations to enjoy.

As a first step in the strategic planning process, the BLM has identified draft goals, objectives, and possible management actions for each of the strategic themes. No decisions have been made. Rather, we would like to invite all interested stakeholders to offer opinions and suggestions about the draft goals, objectives and possible management actions which follow. The BLM will consider your input as we work to develop a strategy to be presented in the BLM’s 2010 Report to Congress later this fall.

The draft objectives and the possible actions identified below outline a set of tools which could potentially be deployed to assist the agency in meeting the draft goals. These tools may not be appropriate for every area or may require further analysis. In some cases, multiple tools may be needed to achieve desired results.

As you review the information provided in the following section, please let us know how we did by responding to the questions which follow each section. They include: