Chapter 2. Bringing the Vision to Life

The BLM has been working with the U. S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (Institute) to engage the public in the development of a strategy. A key part of this effort has been to identify and develop additional management options or choices for wild horse and burro management in the future.

As the GAO pointed out, continuing to manage wild horses and burros using current practices is not sustainable. By rigorously exploring a wide range of possible management options, the BLM hopes to define a more sustainable approach for the future management of America’s wild horses and burros.

Seven key strategic areas have been identified for the BLM’s strategic planning effort. They are:

The BLM’s strategy will address each of these strategic areas.

A family group of horses on the range.
The BLM envisions healthy wild horses and burros on healthy rangelands in the West forever — but to achieve this goal, cost-effective, sustainable solutions are needed.