Chapter 1. The Secretary’s Initiative

In October 2009, the Secretary of the Interior proposed a national initiative intended to create a cost-efficient and sustainable wild horse and burro management program by:
  • Balancing annual herd growth rates with adoption demand.

  • Establishing preserves in the productive grasslands of the Midwest and East.

  • Showcasing treasured herds in the West with special designations.

Over time, the implementation of the Secretary’s initiative is expected to reduce the number of unadopted wild horses in short-term corrals or long-term pastures; reduce the costs to the American taxpayer for their care; and conserve, protect and manage these iconic animals in the West for future generations to enjoy.

New legislative authority and appropriations from Congress would be needed to implement elements of the Secretary’s initiative.

The Government Accountability Office recommended the BLM find effective long-term solutions to manage unadoptable wild horses (GAO-99-77).

. Did you know? The demand for burros exceeds the supply. The BLM is holding very few unadopted burros
A baby black burro.