Appendix R
Maps Cited in the Proposed RMP
This Appendix contains the maps cited in this document. In the electronic version of this document, each map can be accessed through a link to its location in this Appendix.
Planning Area
1−1 Project Planning Area Overview
1–2 Planning Area and Land Status
All Alternatives
2–1a Alt A: No Surface Disturbing Activities
2–1b Alt B: No Surface Disturbing Activities
2–1c Alt C: No Surface Disturbing Activities
2–1d Alt D: No Surface Disturbing Activities
2–1p Proposed Plan Alternative: No Surface Disturbing Activities
2–2a Alt A: Application of SSR to Surface Disturbing Activities
2–2b Alt B: Application of SSR to Surface Disturbing Activities
2–2c Alt C: Application of SSR to Surface Disturbing Activities
2–2d Alt D: Application of SSR to Surface Disturbing Activities
2–2p Proposed Plan Alternative: Application of SSR to Surface Disturbing Activities
2–3a Alt A: Timing Limitations for Surface Disturbing Activities
2–3b Alt B: Timing Limitations for Surface Disturbing Activities
2–3c Alt C: Timing Limitations for Surface Disturbing Activities
2–3d Alt D: Timing Limitations for Surface Disturbing Activities
2–3p Proposed Plan Alternative: Timing Limitations for Surface Disturbing Activities
2–4a Alt A: Grazing Allocations
2–4b Alt B: Grazing Allocations
2–4c Alt C: Grazing Allocations
2–4d Alt D: Grazing Allocations
2–4p Proposed Plan Alternative: Grazing Allocations
2–5a Alt A: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
2–5b Alt B: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
2–5c Alt C: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
2–5d Alt D: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
2–5p Proposed Plan Alternative: Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
2–6a Alt A: Areas Where Wildfires May be Managed to Meet Resource Objectives
2–6b Alt B: Areas Where Wildfires May be Managed to Meet Resource Objectives
2–6c Alt C: Areas Where Wildfires May be Managed to Meet Resource Objectives
2–6d Alt D: Areas Where Wildfires May be Managed to Meet Resource Objectives
2–6p Proposed Plan Alternative: Areas Where Wildfires May be Managed to Meet Resource Objectives
2–7a Alt A: Areas Closed to Recreational Shooting
2–7b Alt B: Areas Closed to Recreational Shooting
2–7c Alt C: Areas Closed to Recreational Shooting
2–7d Alt D: Areas Closed to Recreational Shooting
2–7p Proposed Plan Alternative: Areas Closed to Recreational Shooting
2–8a Alt A: Recreation Management Areas
2–8b Alt B: Recreation Management Areas
2–8c Alt C: Recreation Management Areas
2–8d Alt D: Recreation Management Areas
2–8p Proposed Plan Alternative: Recreation Management Areas
2–9p Proposed Plan Alternative: Heritage Areas
2–10p Proposed Plan Alternative: Wilderness Management Zones
2–11b Alt B: Lands Managed for Wilderness Characteristics
2–11p Proposed Plan Alternative: Lands Managed for Wilderness Characteristics
2–12a Alt A: Visual Resource Management
2–12b Alt B: Visual Resource Management
2–12c Alt C: Visual Resource Management
2–12d Alt D: Visual Resource Management
2–12p Proposed Plan Alternative: Visual Resource Management
2–13a Alt A: Travel Area Designations
2–13b Alt B: Travel Area Designations
2–13c Alt C: Travel Area Designations
2–13d Alt D: Travel Area Designations
2–13p Proposed Plan Alternative: Travel Area Designations
2–14a Alt A: ROW Sensitive and Unsuitable Areas
2–14b Alt B–C: ROW Exclusion and Avoidance Areas
2–14d Alt D: ROW Exclusion and Avoidance Areas
2–14p Proposed Plan Alternative: ROW Exclusion and Avoidance Areas
2–15b Alt B: Segments Suitable For WSR
2–15c Alt C: Segments Suitable For WSR
2–15d Alt D: Segments Suitable For WSR
2–15p Proposed Plan Alternative: Segments Suitable For WSR
2–16d Alt D: Watchable Wildlife Areas
2–16p Proposed Plan Alternative: Watchable Wildlife Areas
2–17 Alt B–D: Old Spanish National Historic Trail Management Corridor
2–17p: Proposed Plan Alternative Old Spanish National Historic Trail Management Corridor
Comprehensive Travel Management
N–1a Alt A: Route Designations
N–1b Alt B: Route Designations
N–1c Alt C: Route Designations
N–1d Alt D: Route Designations
N-1p Proposed Plan: Route Designations
Other Maps
3–1 Surficial Geology
3–2 Potential Fossil Yield Categories
3–3 Vegetation Communities
3–4 Riparian and Wetland Areas
3–6 Land Health Assessment Standard I (Soils) Results
3–7 Land Health Assessment Standard III (Biota) Results
3–8 Riparian Assessment Results
3–9 Seeps and Springs
3–10 Aquatic Habitats
3–11 Bighorn Sheep Range
3–12 Results of Bighorn–Domestic Sheep Probability of Interaction Model
3–13 Special Status Plant Species
3–14 Sage Grouse Habitat, White–Tailed Prairie Dog Range, and Known Raptor Areas
3–15 Pronghorn Range
3–16 Mule Deer Range
3–17 Elk Range
3–18 Weed Infestations
3–19 Weed Treatments
3–20 Fire Occurrence
3–21 Fire Regime Group
3–22 Fire Regime Condition Class
3–23 Fragile and Saline Soils
3–24 Steep Slopes
3–25 Water Quality Stream Segments
3–26 Lands Managed for Wilderness Characteristics
3–27 Visual Resource Inventory Class
3–28 Recreation Management Zones
3–29 Recreation Setting Characteristics Remoteness
3–30 Recreation Setting Characteristics Access
3–31 Current Grazing Allotments
3–32 Livestock Grazing Developments
3–33 Route Inventory
3–34 Existing Rights of Way
3–35 Segments Eligible for WSR
3–36 Wilderness Study Area
3–37 Social and Economic Analysis Area