1. Cover designed by George Varhalmi. Images provided or taken by Nancy Christ, David Fanning, Katie Kleinick, Michele Leiber, and Marc Sanchez.
2. Acreage within the planning area does not include approximately 2,964,740 acres of the Nevada Test and Training Range within the Southern Nevada District Office.
3. Acreage within the planning area does not include approximately 868,650 acres of the Department of Energy Nevada National Security Site, or the DOE Yucca Mountain Repository within the Southern Nevada District Office.
4. Acreage within the planning area does not include approximately 751,350 acres of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge within the Southern Nevada District Office.
5.  There were no congressionally designated wilderness areas in existence at the time of the Decision Record for the 1998 RMP; however BLM policy is to manage these areas as VRM I.
6.  In accordance with 43 CFR §4110.4-2(2)(b), grazing permittees/leasees will be given two year’s notice prior to any BLM land sale that would result in cancelation or modification of their grazing permit, lease, or preference.
7.  Occurrences in Gold Butte B or C that need to pass through Gold Butte A do not count toward any of the limits on numbers or seasons.
8.  Occurrences on the Mojave Road in Piute/Eldorado do not count toward any of the limits on numbers or seasons.
9.  Events occurring in Gold Butte B or C that need to pass through Gold Butte A do not count toward the any of the limits on numbers or seasons.
10.  Events occurring on the Mojave Road in Piute/Eldorado do not count toward the any of the limits on numbers or seasons.
11.  Designated in the Notice of Proposed Classification of Public Lands for Multiple-Use Management (published in the Federal Register, Vol. 35, No. 187; Friday September 25, 1970) vested in the Secretary of the Interior under the Act of September 19, 1964, and pursuant to the regulations in 43 CFR Part 2400
12.  In accordance with 43 CFR §4110.4-2(2)(b), grazing permittees/leasees will be given two year’s notice prior to any BLM land sale that would result in cancelation or modification of their grazing permit, lease, or preference.
13. Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2003a, 2003b, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003f, 2003g, 2003h, 2003i; Notes: ppm = parts per million; g/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter
14. Source: Nevada Air Quality Trend Report, 2000-2010; Citation: Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Nevada Air Quality Trend Report, 2000-2010.
15. Source: U.S. Weather Service Web Page. Period of record is from 1971 through 2000. Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit. http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/vef/climate/page1.php
16. Heating and cooling degree days based on a 65-degree standard (e.g., a mean temperature of 75 degrees would equate to 10 cooling degree days or a mean temp of 50 degrees would equate to 15 heating degree days).
17.  Indicates species that are also federally listed noxious weeds.
  Source: BLM 2004 and BLM 2010
 Source: BLM 2010 and BLM 2004
 Source: BLM 2010 and BLM 2013(b).
18. Source: BLM 2010 and BLM 2013(b).
  Source: BLM 2004 and BLM 2010
19.  Source: BLM 2004 and BLM 2010
 Source: BLM 2010 and BLM 2004
20. Source: BLM 2010 and BLM 2004
21.  Acreage calculations do not include congressionally designated wilderness areas which, by National BLM policy, are VRI Class I
22. U: Key area utilization; UM: Use map; LHA: Land health assessment using indicators of rangeland health and assessment and inventory monitoring
 Based on Penfield et al (2010)
23. Based on Penfield et al (2010)
24. NPS (Lake Mead)
25. DOD
26. DOE
27. These are currently deferred pending this RMP update
  Between 2009 and 2012, all proposed parcels were put asiged due to RMP conflicts with no surface occupancy and are not included in this list.
28.  Between 2009 and 2012, all proposed parcels were put asiged due to RMP conflicts with no surface occupancy and are not included in this list.
29. Proposed lease parcels only listed a partial parcel number on form.
30.  Oil and gas location that was proposed a second time as parcel # NV-09-12-250.
  Based on average of three spot prices. Source: Index Mundi (www.indexmundi.com)
  Based on NY Harbor regular spot price. Source: Index Mundi (www.indexmundi.com)
31.  Based on average of three spot prices. Source: Index Mundi (www.indexmundi.com)
32.  Based on NY Harbor regular spot price. Source: Index Mundi (www.indexmundi.com)
  NOTE: The 2013 data only spans from October 2012 through August 2013. Source: LR2000 Reports
33.  NOTE: The 2013 data only spans from October 2012 through August 2013. Source: LR2000 Reports
34. 15 miles × 2 [round trip] × 80 tons [double bottom dump truck; 40 cubic yard capacity] × $0.10 per ton-mile
  NOTE: The 2013 data only spans from October 2012 through August 2013. Source: LR2000 Reports
35.  In cases when a Plan is required when a Notice does not meet 43 CFR 3809.11(c)(6) requirements.
36.  Phased plans are reviewed yearly.
  All data is taken from LR2000 reports.
37.  All data is taken from LR2000 reports.
 Source: Kitco (http://www.kitco.com/charts/)
 Source: Kitco (http://www.kitco.com/charts/)
 Source: Index Mundi (www.indexmundi.com)
38. Source: Kitco (http://www.kitco.com/charts/)
39. Source: Kitco (http://www.kitco.com/charts/)
40. Source: Index Mundi (www.indexmundi.com)
 Source: REE-Investor (http://www.ree-investor.com)
 Source: HEFA Rare Earth (http://www.mineralprices.com)
41. Source: REE-Investor (http://www.ree-investor.com)
42. Source: HEFA Rare Earth (http://www.mineralprices.com)
43.  In 2012, the BLM began utilizing electronic vehicle counters to collect visitor use data in addition to field observations.
 Source: GIS, Aug. 2013
 Source: GIS, Aug. 2013
44. Source: GIS, Aug. 2013
45. Source: GIS, Aug. 2013
46. Includes Santini-Burton and McCarran Airport CMA.
47. Includes lands formerly identified as Jean and Primm disposal areas.
 Source: LR2000, Sept. 2013
48. Source: LR2000, Sept. 2013
 Source: LR2000, Sept. 2013
49. Source: LR2000, Sept. 2013
 Source: LR2000, Sept. 2013
50. Source: LR2000, Sept. 2013
 Source: LR2000, Sept. 2013
51. Source: LR2000, Sept. 2013
 Source: LR2000, April 2014.
52. Source: LR2000, April 2014.
53. Areas reflects the current parcels within the designated ACEC that are managed by the BLM Las Vegas and Pahrump field offices. Lands withdrawn to other agencies or privately owned are not included. These areas may reflect a smaller size than included in the 1998 RMP due to changes in land ownership.
 Data taken from 2012 NAMLP Report.
54. Data taken from 2012 NAMLP Report.
55. Values cover the entire county which is managed by two separate field offices.
  Source: Population – U.S. Census Bureau 2014 U.S. Census Bureau; QuickFacts for Nevada, Clark County, and Nye County; accessed by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/>; (June 2014).; Land Area – BLM 2007 (for counties) and U.S. Census Bureau 2000 (for state and nation land).
56.  Source: Population – U.S. Census Bureau 2014 U.S. Census Bureau; QuickFacts for Nevada, Clark County, and Nye County; accessed by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/>; (June 2014).; Land Area – BLM 2007 (for counties) and U.S. Census Bureau 2000 (for state and nation land).
 Sources: 1970 – U.S. Census Bureau 1970; 1980 – U.S. Census Bureau 1980; 1990 to 2005 – Nevada Department of Taxation 2009a; 2010 to 2020 – Nevada Department of Taxation 2011. Census counts 1970 – 2010, projections 2015 and 2020.
57. Sources: 1970 – U.S. Census Bureau 1970; 1980 – U.S. Census Bureau 1980; 1990 to 2005 – Nevada Department of Taxation 2009a; 2010 to 2020 – Nevada Department of Taxation 2011. Census counts 1970 – 2010, projections 2015 and 2020.
 Sources: 1970 – U.S. Census Bureau 1970; 1980 – U.S. Census Bureau 1980; 1990 to 2005 – Nevada Department of Taxation 2009a; 2010 to 2020 – Nevada Department of Taxation 2011. Census counts 1970 – 2010, projections 2015 and 2020.
58. Sources: 1970 – U.S. Census Bureau 1970; 1980 – U.S. Census Bureau 1980; 1990 to 2005 – Nevada Department of Taxation 2009a; 2010 to 2020 – Nevada Department of Taxation 2011. Census counts 1970 – 2010, projections 2015 and 2020.
 Source: Nevada Department of Taxation and Nevada State Demographer; accessed by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; < http://tax.nv.gov/>; (June 2014). City/Town populations do not total 100 percent of county populations because there are populations that are outside of the cities and towns. Data are not available for areas and years noted with “N/A”, which stands for “not available”.
59. Source: Nevada Department of Taxation and Nevada State Demographer; accessed by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; < http://tax.nv.gov/>; (June 2014). City/Town populations do not total 100 percent of county populations because there are populations that are outside of the cities and towns. Data are not available for areas and years noted with “N/A”, which stands for “not available”.
60.  U.S. Census Bureau 2014 U.S. Census Bureau; PEPTCOMP, Estimates of the Components of Resident Population Change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2012, Population Estimates; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; using American FactFinder; <http://factfinder2.census.gov>; (June 2014).
 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau; QuickFacts for Nevada, Clark County, and Nye County; accessed by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/>; (June 2014). U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2010-2012 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, Table DP02, Selected Social Characteristics in the United States; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; using American FactFinder; <http://factfinder2.census.gov>; (June 2014). Economic Profile System; Clark County and Nye County Profile of Demographics; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; (May 2014).
61. Sources: U.S. Census Bureau; QuickFacts for Nevada, Clark County, and Nye County; accessed by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/>; (June 2014). U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2010-2012 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, Table DP02, Selected Social Characteristics in the United States; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; using American FactFinder; <http://factfinder2.census.gov>; (June 2014). Economic Profile System; Clark County and Nye County Profile of Demographics; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; (May 2014).
62. Indicates that a non-English language is spoken at home. Nye County language data obtained from EPS.
 Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2010-2012 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, Table DP05; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; using American FactFinder; <http://factfinder2.census.gov>; (June 2014).
63. Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2010-2012 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, Table DP05; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; using American FactFinder; <http://factfinder2.census.gov>; (June 2014).
64. Hispanic population is an additional designation, not a race designation; the Hispanic population includes multiple races.
 All dollar values are in 2012 inflation-adjusted dollars; percentages are percent families/individuals whose income was below the poverty level in the past 12 months from the time of measurement.
 Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2006-2008.
65. All dollar values are in 2012 inflation-adjusted dollars; percentages are percent families/individuals whose income was below the poverty level in the past 12 months from the time of measurement.
66. Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2006-2008.
 All dollar values are in 2012 inflation-adjusted dollars. Percentages are percent of total housing units; not all housing unit types are shown.
 Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2010-2012 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, Table DP04, Selected Housing Characteristics; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; using American FactFinder; <http://factfinder2.census.gov>; (June 2014).
67. All dollar values are in 2012 inflation-adjusted dollars. Percentages are percent of total housing units; not all housing unit types are shown.
68. Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2010-2012 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, Table DP04, Selected Housing Characteristics; generated by Julie A. Suhr Pierce; using American FactFinder; <http://factfinder2.census.gov>; (June 2014).
69. Open for fluid leasable minerals consist of three categories: open; open with moderate constraints (i.e. CSU and timing restraints); and open with major constraints (i.e. NSO).
70. Oil and gas
71. Geothermal
72. Arrow Canyon, Coyote Springs, Gold Butte (Part A, includes Devil’s Throat, Red Rock Spring, and Whitney Pockets), Gold Butte (Part B), Keyhole Canyon, Mormon Mesa, Piute/Eldorado, and Virgin Mountains
73. Does not include acreages associated with the Devil’s Throat, Gold Butte Townsite, Red Rock Springs, and Whitney Pocket, which are contained inside the larger Gold Butte ACECs
74. Geothermal resources were closed in the Ash Meadows ACEC while oil and gas was NSO in this ACEC, hence the 4 percent of ACEC lands.
75. Includes the geothermal parcels.
76. Includes the geothermal parcels.
77. Includes geothermal parcels.
78. Arrow Canyon, Coyote Springs, Gold Butte (Part A) [includes Devil’s Throat, Red Rock Spring and Whitney Pockets], Gold Butte (Part B), Keyhole Canyon, Mormon Mesa, Piute/Eldorado and Virgin Mountains
 This table does not include the two ACECs inside the NCAs: Bird Spring and Sloan Rock Art.
 Abbreviations: M: Metallic; NM: Nonmetallic; S: Strategic
79. This table does not include the two ACECs inside the NCAs: Bird Spring and Sloan Rock Art.
80. Abbreviations: M: Metallic; NM: Nonmetallic; S: Strategic
81. Kipushi-type Copper deposits.
82. Nickel, Platinum Group (PGMs), Gallium, Germanium, Uranium
83. Uranium
84. Nickel, PGMs, Beryllium.
 This table does not include the two ACECs inside the NCAs: Bird Spring and Sloan Rock Art.
 Abbreviations: Ag: Aggregate, S&G: Sand & Gravel
85. This table does not include the two ACECs inside the NCAs: Bird Spring and Sloan Rock Art.
86. Abbreviations: Ag: Aggregate, S&G: Sand & Gravel
87. BLM manages public lands under Management Framework Plans (MFPs) and Resource Management Plans (RMPs). In some cases, a BLM Field Office may have one or all plan types within their jurisdiction. In order to reduce confusion, these plans are collectively referred to as Land Use Plans (LUPs).
88. This Table is prepared in accordance with OF&A Instruction Memorandum 2004-028, 9/9/04 – Identifying Fire Organizations in Fire Management Plans, which states, in part: “In completing this table, only include Preparedness resource numbers funded by Fire Preparedness (2810) and reflect the peak fire organization resources for the year. Do not include resources funded under severity. The fuels related resources numbers are to include the resource funded by the non-WUI (2823) and WUI (2824) programs.”
 Note: The acreage listed in the table is derived from Alternative 3. These acreages will change based on the management decisions for the RMP. Acreage is shown on Map - 3.
89. Note: The acreage listed in the table is derived from Alternative 3. These acreages will change based on the management decisions for the RMP. Acreage is shown on Map - 3.
90. The following table represents fiscal year 2006 and would be the minimum in total workload accomplishments and funding.
91. Notes: 1. This is the approved list prior to the completion of the 17 states EIS. 2. If used in areas other than California, refer to the California Veg. Management FEIS and ROD Risk Assessment, 1988.
92. BROM = Bromacil; CHLR = Chlorsulfuron; OICA = Oicamba; OIFLU = Oiflufenzopyr; D1QT = Oiquat; OIUR - Oiuron; FLUR = Fluridone; IMAZ = Imazapic; OVER = Overdrive ; SULFM = Sulfometuron methyl; and TEBU = Tebuthiuron. Boom height = The Tier I ground application model allows selection of a low (20 inches) or a high (50 inches) boom height. NA = Not applicable. Sources: Ecological risk assessments for herbicides (Syracuse Environmental Research Associates. Inc. 200 I; ENSR 2005a-j).
93. BROM = Bromacil; CHLR = Chlorsulfuron; OICA = Oicamba; OIFLU = Oiflufenzopyr; D1QT = Oiquat; OIUR - Oiuron; FLUR = Fluridone; IMAZ = Imazapic; OVER = Overdrive ; SULFM = Sulfometuron methyl; and TEBU = Tebuthiuron. Boom height = The Tier I ground application model allows selection of a low (20 inches) or a high (50 inches) boom height. NA = Not applicable. Sources: Ecological risk assessments for herbicides (Syracuse Environmental Research Associates. Inc. 200 I; ENSR 2005a-j).
94. This ACEC no longer meets R&I criteria and will be considered for removal of ACEC designation.
95. This nominated area and values overlap with the Muddy Mountains nomination.
96. This ACEC no longer meets R&I criteria and will be considered for removal of ACEC designation.
97. Overlaps with the Piute/Eldorado ACEC and contains the same values.
98.  The Ivanpah population will not be further analyzed for ACEC designation within this planning effort as it is a legislative disposal area
99.  This ACEC was considered and analyzed in the Silver State South SEIS. It will not be considered further in the RMP/EIS at this time.
100.  This nominated area and values overlap with the Bitter Springs nomination.
101.  The portion of the nominated area within the spring mound complex around Stump Springs meet at least one criterion for both relevance and importance for neotropical birds under the Pahrump Valley Mesquite nomination.
102.  This nominated area overlaps with areas meeting R&I for desert tortoise in the Bird Spring nomination.
103. To avoid confusion, the proposed ACEC will be renamed to “Sandy Valley ACEC”.
104. This nominated area and values overlap with the Bitter Springs and California Wash nominations.