Dry Lake East Designated Leasing Area Environmental Assessment and RMP Amendment
Project Information
Project Description
On January 6, 2020, the Bureau of Land Management, Las Vegas Field Office (BLM) approved designation of the Dry Lake East Designated Leasing Area for future development of utility-scale photovoltaic solar energy generation and transmission.
As part of the designation process, the BLM prepared a Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMPA) and Environmental Assessment (EA). The BLM initiated the RMPA/EA process on April 13, 2018, with publication in the Federal Register of the Notice of Intent to Prepare a Resource Management Plan Amendment with Associated Environmental Assessment and Notice of Segregation for the Proposed Dry Lake East Designated Leasing Area, Clark County, NV. During the process, the BLM solicited public comments through a formal scoping period that began when the notice of intent was published in the Federal Register. During the scoping period, written comments on the proposal for the RMPA/EA were accepted through May 14, 2018. Additionally, a draft RMPA/EA was released for public comment on October 18, 2018, and written comments were received through November 19, 2018. The BLM also consulted with local, state, and federal agencies, and consultation with Tribal governments.
A Finding of No Significant Impact for the EA was completed on July 23, 2019 and a Decision Record for the RMPA/EA was signed on January 6, 2020, which completed the designation process. With the designation approval, the BLM will now conduct a competitive lease auction for photovoltaic solar development within the Designated Leasing Area.
What's New
UPDATED July 1, 2022 - The competitive auction bid summary has been added to the Documents section.
UPDATED MAY 11, 2022 - Sealed Bid Statement for Dry Lake East DLA Competitive Application Process updated and posted to " Documents" section on left side of webpage.
Notice of Competitive Offer and Land Segregation for Dry Lake East Designated Leasing Area
The BLM Las Vegas Field Office is conducting a competitive process to determine a preferred right-of-way applicant to submit a right-of-way application, plan of development, and application fee, for a parcel of land described as the Dry Lake East Designated Leasing Area. The parcel of public land being offered is approximately 1,635 acres. The BLM completed a Resource Management Plan Amendment and designated the Dry Lake East Designated Leasing Area on January 6, 2020, following a robust public process, coordination with local, state and Federal agencies, and consultation with Tribal governments.
The BLM will accept sealed bids at the Las Vegas Field Office through 10:00 am PST on May 20, 2022. Bidding instructions may be found in the Federal Register Notice located in the Documents section of this ePlanning project page beginning April 5, 2022.
Also see the relevant 2800 Regulations and the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Solar Development in Six Southwestern States for more information.
Important competitive offering information is located in the Documents section of this ePlanning project page. The Documents page can be found by clicking the word “Documents” on the left-hand side of this project Home page. Once on the Documents page, scroll to the header titled “Competitive Offer Information” to find the competitive process information.